Monday, November 1, 2010


So it's November. You know what that means... NABLOPOMO!!! (also, happy All Saints' Day!) That means I'm going to attempt to blog everyday for the month of November. Exciting, right?

I've been reading the Andre Agassi memoir Open on my new Kindle. Great way to start my ebook reading. It reads a lot easier than the previous book I read (The Blind Assassin). For one, I'm reading it on the Kindle, and two, the words are simple and the sentences are short.

Like this.

But I can't stop reading. I'm in love with the character. Let me clarify, I'm not in love with Agassi, I'm in love with the character that he is. I don't want to sound all woman-like, but I've found that I'm attracted to reading about tragic men. Two of my favorite books in the past four years have been about tragic men: The Tender Bar and The Yiddish Policemen's Union.

I'm comforted that there are men out there who are great, although insecure and remorseful, yet can still carry on with that baggage in tow. I can't say I have much in common with these characters, but I do understand what it's like to be judged by who I'm perceived to be, yet live a life that's totally different from within. Unlike these memoirs and novels, it's harder for us to express our stories. And it's even harder to be honest about it.

Maybe I can be more honest with myself in the coming month.

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