Thursday, November 18, 2010


I'm wondering what I'm allowed to post on this blog and what should be kept private.

It disturbs me when people say I'm a good person. Or that Christians/Protestants are all good people. I have a friend who doesn't share the same value of sobriety as me. Whereas my values come from my family and my involvement at church, his lack of value for sobriety stems from his value for socializing. Though you may think that one value outweighs the other, you have to account for other circumstances because it can also relate to other areas of your life. For instance, I'm not a sociable guy and I don't have that many close friends, but my friend influences the lives of his friends for the better because of his gift and his value in getting along and meeting new people. Who's to say he's not the better man for the good he's responsible for? No one is perfect and no one is good. It disturbs me when we discriminate amongst ourselves and become judges with evil thoughts.

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