Saturday, August 7, 2010

Nearing the End

I’m currently enrolled in class entitled Leadership in Organization (LEADORD). The class demands a lot from the students in terms of time and effort. We’re routinely given assignments, online activities and quizzes. But I guess what makes it so hectic is everything is essay based and the assignments are already posted so you know what you have to do today, and on Monday, and next week. It’s frightening, but I do well in that class. Just don’t let it get to you – like in a dream.

Last night I dreamt I was in LEADORG. Everything seemed normal until my teacher announced we had a midterm on that day. A Midterm? This wasn’t good news for me because I was clearly not prepared. I didn’t have the test booklet that we were required to use on such occasion. I looked to my pal in the front row who usually brings with him an extra copy but he didn’t have one either. I panic. Everyone else is scribbling away while I sit with my arms at my side not knowing what to do. Fortunately, C. was sitting beside me and he had an extra booklet.

I start with the cover. Name, ID Number, Section, Type of Test, Name of your Pet. Wha-whaat? I skip to the next page and answer the first problem. The quiz is much harder than I had expected it to be. My answer to the first essay question was only two lines long. A sigh and my dream shifts to something else. In my hand I hold paper, glue, and scotch tape. I make a binder for sheets of paper but it turns out terribly. My teacher walks up to me and reprimands me for wasting time and tells me to start answering the questions. I look at question two and draw a blank. I turn back to question one and realize that I answered the question in the wrong format – there was supposed to be double-spaced, but mine was not.

I look at the clock my bedside clock and realize it’s 9:01AM and yes, it was all a dream. Two more months until I graduate!!!

[edit] apparently this happens on August 8 or 9 because that's the date i wrote on the test booklet

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