Friday, March 25, 2011


What irritates me most is when I see my own faults in other people.

Use your imagination and picture Exhibit A. A person who whines a lot. (that was easy, right?)

This evening I talked to someone who's a replicate of me. (Exhibit B. Picture a college kid who looks up to me and wants to be like me) But during our conversation college boy said some insensitive things that a good listener would find offensive, and I rebuked him. We had a long conversation about his life, priorities, etc. Afterwards, some people who were listening said it looked like I was the guy's "advisor" and I had been "exalted." I'm not saying this to make myself look good. On the contrary, I'm mentioning it because of how opposite it actually is.

This kid was becoming me. [Almost] Every point he made that angered me was a reflection of how I live my life. [Almost] Everything that I reprimanded him on was something I am guilty of myself. I'm already kicking myself half an hour after the conversation, because I feel like a hypocrite.

Kids, don't be like me. Don't be obnoxious and full of yourself like me. If you think I'm having fun parading my talents and charm around the ladies... well, believe me, it's all a joke. Be someone with substance. Make sure your priorities are right. Be respectable. And don't ask me to make you a watermark.

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