Monday, April 26, 2010

Casting Call - Ultimate Avengers

Joss Whedon will be directing the new Avengers movie. This is great news for comics book fans and Dr. Horrible geeks. But I'm a little bummed out about the cast. Robert Downey is too old to be Iron Man. Chris Evans is too young to be Captain America. Samuel L. Jackson is too annoying to be Nick Fury. So I took the liberty of casting my own Avengers -- based on the Ultimate Avengers comic book.

Captain America - Jon Hamm
I started watching Mad Men in February and knew right away that John Hamm IS Captain America. If you forget about brown hair, you'd see it too. He's got the presence, the build, and the deep voice of authority that Cap needs to lead his troops into battle.

Iron Man - Dean Cain

I know what you're thinking, "Dean Cain?? Come on!!" I know for a fact that 99.9% of everyone who reads this will disagree with me about this one. "Dude, Robert Downey Jr is the perfect Iron Man." I know, I hear it a lot. But from the impression I took from the comics, he's not. Tony Starks is charming, but not funny. Dean Cain's got the charm and he looks young. But what makes him perfect for the part is that I dislike him as much as I dislike Tony Starks.

Thor - Viggo Mortensen

When you think of Thor you either think of flowing blond hair and steroids, or Star Craft 2. For the longest time I had the image of this dutch body builder with long blonde hair, but I finally got rid of that image and *poof* had an epiphany. Mortensen would be perfect because he's got fight in him (LOTR, A History of Violence, Eastern Promises).

Ant Man/Giant Man - Aaron Eckhart

I actually have no idea who Henry Pym/Yellow Jacket/Ant Man/Giant Man is. I just know he's a scientist with wavy hair. But I can picture him playing Ant Man in the comic book Identity Crisis. He seems like he could play the tragic part. I don't know what else to say.

Wasp - Carey Mulligan

Everything about her screams Wasp: her appearance, personality. I'm also just making this up. But I can totally see her as the Wasp.

The Hulk/Bruce Banner - Steve Buscemi

Both Hulk movies ruined the image of Bruce Banner for me. Bruce Banner is a scientist, a peaceful, awkward introvert who blows up to become the Hulk when angered. Steve Buscemi's got the scientist look, and he can act peaceful, awkward and introvert all at the same time.

Nick Fury - Avery Brooks
(skip to the 1 minute mark)
The obvious choice was to choose Samuel L. Jackson, but he's a pain in the butt. So I looked for someone else who had presence; someone who could lead SHIELD and make tough decisions. It took me a while to look for a guy with Nick Fury's look beside Jackson, but I luckily found Avery Brooks. He's unheard of, but maybe you've seen American History X . . . Or maybe a few episodes of Star Trek. If you watch a short portion of the video (skip to the 1 minute mark) you'll see that he's got what it takes to be SHIELD's commanding officer. You just need to dye his beard black.

Black Widow - Sienna Miller
I defaulted on this one. I only chose Sienna Miller because of this image. If you dyed her hair red she could easily pass as the black widow, hands down. When I watched the crappy, pirated version of GI Joe on a field trip, I was like, duh . . . Black Widow.