Monday, April 26, 2010
Casting Call - Ultimate Avengers
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Desperate Blogging
A few days ago I broke my key in the kitchen door. This is the second time that has happened to me since I’ve moved into this compound. We can deduct one of two things (or maybe both). Either the key I was given (both keys) were made out of cheap, malleable material OR I’m uber-strong like Hercules. The second theory is obvious the one you’ll side with, but that’s the not point I’m trying to make (or IS IT?)
I think Filipinos overstate the idea of safety whenever the topic is brought up. We bar our windows, double lock our doors, and line our walls with poison-tipped spikes. Living in the city, we’re scared that thieves will come and take away the things we love – in my case my stash of Stick-O Chocolate Wafer Sticks… which is hidden in the best-est of hiding places: between my Xbox and TV (lies).
What we sacrifice in the meantime is convenience and front yard aesthetics. Who wants to wall off their compound? Who wants to be met by a black gate on returning home from wherever? Who wants to daily face the hassle of unlocking three sets of doors to get into your room? Not me, that’s why I never lock my door. Anyone can waltz in and do a little dance in the center of my room while I’m in the shower and I wouldn’t even know. But by leaving my door unlocked, I save five precious seconds when I get home from long outings and I’m dying to relieve myself (it also helps that I don’t have a sister to “call” the bathroom).
So what exactly is my point? Am I proposing that we shouldn’t lock our doors? Definitely. Am I proposing we remove the poison-tipped spikes that line the walls of our compound? No, the idea is totally awesome. Am I saying you should waltz into my room and do a little dance while I’m in the shower? Only if you want to me see naked when I come out. Okay, I didn’t really have a point in writing this – other than to say that I’m uber-strong like Hercules.