Saturday, March 7, 2009

Watchmen Review

It’s late at night and I'm tired so I'm not going to make an uber-eloquent essay on how gloriously awesome, yet disappointing the movie was. Instead I'm going to make a simple pro-con list. (I know you can't make a decent critique or analysis on a movie over one viewing, but I'll try my best)

1\ Zack Snyder did a better job of putting this film together than any other director could possibly have done. The majority of the plot, the costumes, the coloring, and the general atmosphere of the whole thing were very much like the comic book. Think high-fidelity.
2\ Rorschach and the Comedian were surprisingly well casted -- much to my relief. They made the movie for me. They did a good job with the other characters too: namely Dr Manhattan, Sally Jupiter, Moloch, Nite Owl, Ozymandias . . . I have complaints about some of the other actors though.
3\ They didn't cut out that many parts. They were really faithful to the book.
4\ I still can't get over the set designs, hues, and outfits, etc... totally up for an oscar nomination in art direction and cinematography, but considering it is what it is, I don't think it will.


1\ Malin Akerman -- capital B-O-O-O !!!
2\ Remember the story about the Gingerbread Man who ran ran away and in the end was eaten by a sly fox? Well, instead of a sly fox, it’s the old lady who made the gingerbread man in the first place.
3\ The portrayal of Richard Nixon.
4\ They added stupid scenes (that weren't in the comic book) that were totally noticeable
5\ I'm really upset about that previous one. They shot themselves in the foot with the extra dialogue.
6\ I'm serious -- it's at the same absurdity level as the last scene of Pride and Prejudice where Mr. Darcy calls Elizabeth "goddess divine."
7\ You know how some movies are thinking movies? Like Memento, Primer, or even The Prestige. Watchmen, as a novel, is one of those . . . As a feature film it’s Not. At. All. Imagine doing a crossword puzzle, but after every clue they give you (in parenthesis) the answer. It's that frustrating. It’s for that reason that I’m hesitant on re-watching the movie.

As a final summary -- if you haven't read the graphic novel, you won’t fully appreciate the movie. It was made in the wrong era. Anyway, if I were to give the movie a rating, I'd give it seven smiley-face-buttons out of ten.

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