Saturday, February 7, 2009

Good days start with . . .

I've had a writers' block for a month now. As a guy who loves to write and to read books, this is killing me. So I'm going to pull away from anything profound and be eccentric.

There are days when I wake up feeling like rubbish. I feel like I could lay in bed and count the hours pass without feeling guilty. Then there are other days when I wake up prancing at the beat of a good song. Then there are days when I fall right down the middle. Today is one of those days.

On those days, I get up walk to my stereo and put on a good album (right now I'm listening to Dave Matthews Band -- I've been listening to them straight since Thursday). I take a leak and just sit back and let the world swirl around me. No worries, no responsibilities, just utter Zen. Just Kiddin'.

But it's at moments like this where I find myself feeling the most contented in life: not when I'm surrounded by friend or family who cherrish and care for me (although those moments are just as precious); not when I find myself succeeding; not even after a good meal. It's when I am able to reflect on my life and say I couldn't ask for anything more, I find that special. Now I have the chorus of the song Across the Universe runs though my head.

Unfortunately, I have to exit this trance because I still have to take a shower before heading home -- I mean, Church.

Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
Philemon 1:3

PS. I compiled a list a few weeks ago of things that have my day in the past months. Here they are:
1. Hugs
2. Good Music (e.g. Monotov, etc.)
3. Colbert Report
4. Beautiful Weather
5. Text Messages
6. Winning Settlers
7. Outstanding Grades
8. Sharing my Faith
9. My First Sale

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