Wednesday, August 27, 2008

New Day

I don't think daily posting will work well with me; my life is just too boring. Well, here's one tidbit about the day . . . I'M DONE WITH SCHOOL FOR THE SEMESTER! I feel like I just won a round of settlers or something. I'm that happy. Now I've got a little over a week before the next term starts, which is fairly depressing because other people will still be on their Summer break while I begin my second semester.

Anyway, if I ever reinvent anything it would be the calculator. Of course the ones now are pretty spiffy (ie. Texas Instruments), but I haven't come across a text sending/receiving calculator (or one with paging capabilities). I'm pretty disappointed with this because like, I'd much rather type away on my calculator than a mobile phone. It'll make me feel smarter. And if anyone asks me what I'm doing I'll simply say "Calculating."

[I'm aware there's a ton of whitespace here . . . why else would I include this bit if it wasn't intentional?]

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