Sunday, August 31, 2008

Two Books Happier; P700 Poorer

Today, I intended to watch The Dark Knight in Imax. This was going to be the highlight of my day, the pinnacle of my week. Instead M., B., and I found out that TDK was only showing at 1230 and 2130. So instead of being awe-strucked by a super action packed flick with sets that'd make me pee my pants, we settled for DINOSAUR-3D!!! I ended up snoozing through a quarter hour of the hour long educational film.

Despite that tragedy, the day turned out pretty well. I went to the bookstore and found two books: The Glass Castle and The Shack. The fact that I found these two books has left me feeling giddy for hours. I've been looking for The Glass Castle since December of last year, and The Shack was a book that we just recently suggested to me (S.S.). Anyway, this leads to my next question: Why do I find the books I'm looking for in the place I least expect to find them? A year ago I bought the Innocent Man -- which I couldn't find in the fiction section -- cause it's a non-fiction book. Today I found The Glass Castle in the Biographies section, when I thought all along it was a fictional book. And I found The Shack in the Bestsellers section -- which I find odd cause it's one of those Christian novels (I was at a Christian bookstore and I asked my friend if they had Christian novels -- it sounded so uncool). I'm not really making any sense right now, but I'm trying to get all my weird thoughts out before I hit the lights and head to bed.

Here's my to read list:
Guerilla Marketing
The Language Instinct
The Big Over Easy
Maps and Legends
At World's End
Cost of Discipleship
The Twilight Series (maybe not)

[edit] I forgot to mention that I got 20% off both books!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Did You Feel That?

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to lack a sense? You know, like the sense of hearing, seeing, smelling, etc.? I think the weirdest part would be first realizing you lacked a sense if you were born without it. I could just imagine an alternative universe where a 1st grader first realized he lacked the sixth sense.

A. Dude, you don't sense that?!
B. Sense what?
A. That feeling of imminent doom.
B. Uh . . . I don't know what you're talking about. What does it feel like?
A. It's not really a feeling. Like, you can't feel sight or smell. You just know something horrific is about to happen.
B. Riiiight

They have a name for people like "B." : Euphoric.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008


There are days when I'm inspired to write a poem, whether it's about fruit or futility (I accidentally typed "fruit of futility" before I caught myself). And sometimes I would get really deep, and I'm proud that I'm mature enough to write such deeps thoughts about life. Then one day I came across an 8-year old's piece of poetry. And now I feel like a newb. Teach me, oh teacher, deep thoughts.

Forever To Tell
I had forever to tell about a dream
that I was lost in a world
from another world

I had no sense of direction
for I was lost without you
I had forever to tell about my hopes and thoughts
floating around in my head
but I was too late without you

I had forever to tell you about myself
But then I reach deep inside
and discover who I really am

Then again, I had forever to tell you about me
'Cause I know now (know now)
'Cause I know now.
Stolen from: The Sneeze

New Day

I don't think daily posting will work well with me; my life is just too boring. Well, here's one tidbit about the day . . . I'M DONE WITH SCHOOL FOR THE SEMESTER! I feel like I just won a round of settlers or something. I'm that happy. Now I've got a little over a week before the next term starts, which is fairly depressing because other people will still be on their Summer break while I begin my second semester.

Anyway, if I ever reinvent anything it would be the calculator. Of course the ones now are pretty spiffy (ie. Texas Instruments), but I haven't come across a text sending/receiving calculator (or one with paging capabilities). I'm pretty disappointed with this because like, I'd much rather type away on my calculator than a mobile phone. It'll make me feel smarter. And if anyone asks me what I'm doing I'll simply say "Calculating."

[I'm aware there's a ton of whitespace here . . . why else would I include this bit if it wasn't intentional?]

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

New Direction

I'm an official blogspot convert; Xanga lost it's flair.

I'm going to try to keep this blog updated, and hopefully I'll be more creative with my entries. My goal is to make my entries more colorful with photos, videos, or even some interative links. And maybe if I find the time to learn how to use flash I'll post some of that stuff too. In the meantime please bear with me. And Post No Bills.

Interactive Link